What color is most popular this season? Blue! Sometimes just a hint and sometimes a saturation. What shade of blue? Anything....from a soft sky blue to a deep cobalt blue.

Other hot colors trends:
Monochromatic themes (different shades of the same color)
Vibrant colors: orange, green, pink, and yellow
Metallic hues: gold, silver, copper, and pewter
and Black is the "new Black" - something that used to not be proper at a wedding is quickly becoming one of the more accepted.
Capturing those great memories is a higher priority for most brides and grooms this year. Spending more of the budget on a great photographer and finding creative methods of making great memories. From themed engagement pictures to photo booths at the reception. So allow a little more money and find your own personalized way to capture your special day!

Top 2 trends of 2010 next!
Details Diva ~ Erin "Let's Plan This!"
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